“Wings- A bulletin of best practices” brought out by the Rafi
Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad, provides
a snapshot of recent innovations in the Department of Posts.
The initiatives highlighted are aimed at promoting good
governance through the use of technology. Planning and
implementation of such initiatives, some of which involve the
use of cutting edge technological tools, is also an indication of
India Post being a vibrant organization which is constantly
innovating and reaching out to its customers while using
technology to improve service delivery.
With the further roll-out of the IT Modernization Project in
the coming months, India Post can offer more innovative and
citizen friendly services, in line with emerging needs and
I congratulate Director RAKNPA and his team of officers
including Probationers for bringing out this bulletin of best
practices in the Department of Posts.
Kavery Banerjee
For Further Info Please Visit http://www.indiapost.gov.in/Pdf/BulletinonBestPractices.pdf