Monday, 7 December 2015

Implementation of e~service book in all Ministries/Departments: DoPT Order

Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 
Department of Personnel & Training

Block-IV, Old JNU Campus,
New Delhi - 110067,
Dated: 30 November, 2015.

Office Memorandum

Subject: Implementation of e-service book in all Ministries/Departments.

The Service Book of a Government servant is a document to record all the events in his/her entire service period and career recording each and every administrative action of the Government servant right from the stage of his recruitment till his retirement to reflect: the history of. service of a Government employee. As per SR 198 & 199 such a Service Book is to be maintained for a Government servant from the date of his/her first appointment and is required. to be kept in the custody of the Head of Office in which he is serving and transferred with him from office to office.

2. It has been decided. to switch over to electronic format for maintenance of Service Book. The e-Service Book module is presently available under the e-office Mission Mode Project. The data entered in e-service book is available to the employees to enable them to cross-check and report any discrepancies. The. Controller General of Accounts (CGA) was requested to accept e-service book as a legal tender. The CGA has agreed to accept the e-service book as legal tender for all purposes and accordingly issued instructions to all Controllers of Accounts.

3. All Ministries / Departments are advised to adopt the e~service book as the same will be treated as legal tender for all purposes.

(Mukul Ratra) 


Thursday, 26 March 2015

India Post Mobile Banking Application released

Department of Posts brings you Mobile Banking Application which offers banking on the go. Why to visit Post Office when you can do banking from your comfort zone anytime, anywhere using your mobile device. Yes, Department of Post’s new offering to its esteemed valued customers – India Post mobile banking application.
Mobile Banking application of India Post is available in Google Play Store. The Post Office Mobile Banking application can be downloaded from the following Download link.
Security Advice
India Post never ask you to provide your MPIN, Transaction Password, User ID and OTP (One Time Password). Please be aware of such Phishing by fraudulent.
How to Activate Mobile Banking Application
1. Download the Mobile Banking Application from Google Play store. Please don’t download from any other websites.
2. Open the application and click on Activate Mobile Banking button.
3. Enter the Security Credentials which you have provided with Department of Post.
4. No message Charges for OTP (One Time Password). We shall deliver you Activation OTP on your Registered Mobile Device. Please enter the OTP on the screen which asked you to enter the OTP and proceed further.
5. Once successfully validated you will be asked to enter 4 digit MPIN. Please enter 4 digit MPIN of your choice and you will be activated for Mobile Banking Application.
6. For login into Mobile Banking application, please enter your User Id and the new MPIN.
Help Desk
Should you face any difficulty or you have any queries, please contact our Customer care
India Post requests you to provide your valuable feedback and help them to serve you better. Department of Posts – Banking in your hand

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Secretary’s Message

“Wings- A bulletin of best practices” brought out by the Rafi
Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad, provides
a snapshot of recent innovations in the Department of Posts.
The initiatives highlighted are aimed at promoting good
governance through the use of technology. Planning and
implementation of such initiatives, some of which involve the
use of cutting edge technological tools, is also an indication of
India Post being a vibrant organization which is constantly
innovating and reaching out to its customers while using
technology to improve service delivery.
With the further roll-out of the IT Modernization Project in
the coming months, India Post can offer more innovative and
citizen friendly services, in line with emerging needs and
I congratulate Director RAKNPA and his team of officers
including Probationers for bringing out this bulletin of best
practices in the Department of Posts.
Kavery Banerjee

For Further Info Please Visit


The software is aimed at monitoring the clearance of letter boxes planted at
various locations attached to Post Offices. This software facilitates the members
of public to know the status of the letter clearance which is posted in a
particular letter box. This software also provides MIS to the Divisional heads to
know the volume of letters posted in a letter box and thereby to rationalize the
Letter boxes. Further it helps to monitor whether any letter box has been
cleared or not.
Indexing Letter Boxes
For identifying each letter box a unique number to each letter box has been
Sample pattern suggested for Unique number.
PIN code (6digits) + ND code (2digits) + Block allotted for each Division
(4digits) e.g.; 500001000001 (12 digits)
Generation of Bar code
A Bar code has been generated for the unique number. This
Bar code has been printed and pasted on the back side of the
door of letter box to capture the details.
Example data of LB Barcode in Bar code (500001000019)
Unity house
AZ Shopping Complex
Hyderabad GPO
1100 Hrs 1400 Hrs
Nanyatha was developed using Android operating system. This application
helps in uploading of data about the location of the letter boxes when the
barcode is scanned using a smart phone on Android Platform which can be
deployed in any GPS based Smart phone for communicating to server. This
application is helpful in uploading data. When the barcode is scanned using a
smart phone, data about location of LB, date & time of clearance, No of letters
cleared, employee id of the person cleared details will be uploaded to the
central server having the web address

Sunday, 4 January 2015


Philatelic Stamps:
Postage stamp, which began as a piece of paper in token of receipt of postge, has assumed additional dimensions. It is a mode of commemorating, celebrating and promoting national heritage and events.

Philatelic stamps are designed and printed with greater aesthetic inputs and are manufactured in limited quantities and generate an interest among philatelists and collectors. These stamps were traditionally made available through Philatelic Bureaus. With a view to ensure the availability of philatelic stamps to interested persons in a hassle free manner, Department has introduced online sale of philatelic stamps.

To purchase philatelic stamps online, please click:

Weaves of Varanasi:
A "pilot" initiative of Department of Posts and Snapdeal has been launched in Varanasi. It envisages a joint collaboration by providing for a platform for small businesses/weavers to enable them to sell their products online.

Under this pilot scheme, the weavers/domestic manufacturers of Varanasi silk products will be able to showcase their products through the Snapdeal portal with the help of Department of Posts and they would be helped in the end to end transaction of their products i.e. from registration to receipt of the money from the customer. The customers would also benefit by reaching out to the weavers directly.

This initiative envisages developing scalability and sustainability for inclusion and mainstreaming artisans and small businesses to the e commerce market through the post offices.

To visit shopping portal please click on the link below: